Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Echo – Type B

Have you ever noticed how there are times where a particular word will follow you all day long. I am not talking about a plain word like “a” or “the” or even “green”. It has to be a word that catches you off guard. This is most predominant when one is in a large group of people. Some person will say a particular word, and for one reason or another, that particular word will catch your attention. Soon, you will be having a discussion with someone who will use that same word or you will hear it in a conversation near you, or even worse, you find yourself using it. Sometimes this will happen multiple times in a day. Most of the time when it is within a finite space, this can be dismissed as simply room echo, and is the product of a living language, but other times the dismissal is not so easy. The other day I heard the word harangue in a conversation near me; a simple enough word, but not one that you hear every day. I heard that word at least 3 more times that day, and two of those times were on the radio. What will the word be today?