Sunday, May 13, 2007

King Sized Candy Bars

I really don't have much of a sweet tooth, but every once in a great while I will buy a candy bar or something else when I feel like I need a little extra sugar in the system. The other day, I was craving something and I was really hungry. As of late, my favourite candy bar is FastBreak. I went to the vending machine, and I did not see what I wanted, which was a normal sized candybar. All they had were KING SIZED. I had tried that before with a King Sized Snickers, but was disapointed at the time. Should I try it again with a King Sized FastBreak? Well, I was hungry, so I decided to go for it. That was a mistake. Not only was that more sugar - nougat (<-what is nougat anyhow) chocalate, etc. than I could handle, but it did not taste like the regular sized candy bar. I guess when they increased the size, it is not just longer, but bigger in all directions. When they did that, they lost that critical balance which makes it taste so good. So, no more king sized candy bars.

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